Thursday, November 19, 2009

More Info on the Recent World Archery Coaching Seminar

The 2009 FITA World Archery Coaching Seminar that took place in Rome on 3-6 November was one of the best ever!

Volunteers, coaches, specialists, athletes, staff – all the main FITARCO human resources joined forces to make the 4th World Archery Coaching Aeminar a success, and they did!

The main goal was to present the reasons behind the success of Italian archery. Good results have been perpetuated over the years in most of the divisions, categories and disciplines of international archery. The 84 participants coming from the five continents enjoyed this seminar and learned a lot!

You will find below the links to the documents handed out by the various lecturers.

FITARCO History by ODDO (9.88 MB)
Technical Department by SPIGARELLI (351 KB)
Technical Operation by VELLA (2.79 MB)
Compound by XOTTI (3.06 MB)
Coaching System by ODDO (752 KB)
Psychology by GATTI (912 KB)
Olympic Solidarity by KENSINGTON (633 KB)
FITA Coaching by COLMAIRE (192 KB)
Coaching Software by LEBEAU (1.5 MB)
Recurve Skills & Video Analyze by KIM (39.3 MB)
Physical by FINARDI (880 KB)
Barebow by BOTTO (11.2 MB)
Youth by CARRER (768 KB)
FITA Info by DIELEN (1.92 MB)
Training by CLINI and BISIANI (13.6 MB)
Recurve by CLINI (1.73 MB)

Our big thanks and congratulations go to FITARCO and the FITA Coaches Committee for this success!

FITA Development.

- Source :

Monday, November 16, 2009

Archery GB recruit top US coach

GB's Alan Wills was critical of Brown's predecessor,
Peter Suk
Britain's archers will be led by American Lloyd Brown at London 2012.
Brown, who helped the United States to Olympic gold in 1996 and bronze in 2000, replaces Peter Suk, who returned to South Korea in September.
"Britain has some outstanding archers, many with the potential to win medals at the London Games," said Brown.
"Nothing will give me greater pleasure than being the coach that helped them do that. I want to use my experience to the benefit of the British squad."
California-based Brown already has experience helping archers to Olympic gold medals on home soil.
He coached Justin Huish to individual gold as part of the US team in Atlanta in 1996, then took his country's men's team to bronze in Sydney four years later.
He has also coached the US team at four World Championships.
"I have extensive international coaching experience and am very proud of the success I have had in these positions," he added.

We have hired a
coach with a fantastic track record in Olympic success
SymingtonArchery GB performance director
"I feel I am
for this position and extremely

Sara Symington, British archery's performance director responsible for the team's results in 2012, said: "We have hired a top-class coach with a fantastic track record in Olympic success.
"I am confident Lloyd can bring out the very best in our elite archers, and make them very competitive at the London Olympics.
"I am also sure Lloyd will be a great asset to our up-and-coming archers, such as those on the fringe of the senior squad, over the next three years."
Brown's predecessor, Suk, served as head coach of the GB squad for four years.
Under Suk, Britain won three World Championship medals in Leipzig in 2007, but returned from the 2008 Beijing Olympics empty-handed.
The British women's team lost out to France for the bronze medal in Beijing, while no individual competitors made it past the last 16.
At the time, British competitor Alan Wills was critical of Suk's methods, though Wills later sought to clarify his remarks.

'' Peter Suk has done amazing things
for British archery
but not everyone has the same

"The way our coach works, he is trying to subdue you sometimes," said Wills in the aftermath of defeat by Cuba's Juan Carlos Stevens, which ended the last British hope of an Olympic medal.
"I feel like my personality is being squashed down and hidden away. I need to get a bit aggressive and get pumped up."
However, Wills later said he had spoken "in the heat of the moment" and played down his comments.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Full-Size Press - Affordable Price

Full-Size Press -- Affordable Price
By Daniel Beraldo

Since 1992, Apple Archery has been providing the archery industry with top-end repair tools and products. Today, not only can you find Apple products throughout the best archery pro shops and in the hands of the top enthusiasts in the country but also in the beginning archer's workshop as well.

Whether you're the full-service shop looking to work on different brands of bows, one after another, all day long, or the beginning bowhunter looking to take the next step in your bow tuning, Apple Archery has everything you need to set up and work on today's newest compound bows. In 2009, Apple Archery introduced the new Edge Economy Bow Press.
With an affordable price tag of just $299, the full-size Edge is engineered to eliminate limb twist and do most major setup work needed to get shooting. Constructed of steel with a powder coat finish, the Edge offers limb tip and conventional compression press options for perfect compatibility with different limb styles. It also features adjustable limb pocket posts for long and short risers, and for those Bowtech shooters, presses all center pivot compound bows.

The press is easy to set up and in less than 30 minutes I had it put together and pressing a LimbSaver DZ-30. The press provided plenty of pressure to the limbs and easily allowed me to install a peep sight and tether my drop-away cord through the buss cable. Due to the short length of the beyond parallel limbs on my DZ-30, I chose to use the limb tip compression system.
Each limb tip assembly can be independently adjusted to fit perfectly to the widths of limbs on all bows. The conventional compression system works best for bows with longer limbs and the adjustable press arm allows custom limb/post placement for safe use and perfect pressing.
Contact: Apple Archery Products, LLC, 60 Leigh Drive, York, PA 17406; 800-745-8190;

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Archery Book from Coach KIM Yung-Tak

Korean traditional archery is centuries old but whet the Korean nation started to embrace modern archery Hyung-Tak Kim decided to follow this trail and was one of the first Koreans to study and analyse this type of archery.

It was not long before his shooting skills were imported into coaching were his skills have been appreciated by the Korean archers for around 40 years. All the technical knowledge he has gained over the years has been passed on to archers and coaches alike through the many training courses and seminars he has conducted. This knowledge has helped Korea to excel in the sport of archery and be one of the major players in the Recurve division. Hyung-Tak Kim’s wealth of knowledge is now being funnelled through archery the training centre he is currently running in Goesan-gun in central Korea.When the Korean archery team first took part in the Olympic Games, he was head coach for the Women’s National team and was delighted when they won the gold medal. He showed excellent performance as a head coach of the Korean National Women’s archery team, but was enticed away to coach the Taiwan National Archery Team in 1989. He worked for the Taiwan National Archery Federation from 1989 to 1997 as a head coach; during this time he raised their profile to be one of the world’s top teams. Currently, Hyung-Tak Kim is coaching Korean coaches through many seminars he is conducting in his position as research director of Korean Archery Association.

He opened his training centre in 2004, and over 500 archers from around 30 countries have been trained by him, many rewarding him by producing good results at World Cup Tournaments, World Championships, Olympic Games, and European Championships.

Now he has published his archery book which focuses on how to learn and coach archery with ease, it brings to life his long experience and advanced skills of archery coaching. Each person can discover his teaching techniques from the basics to top levels through this tool where he is presenting problems and solutions in a precise and practical form.

This book, called “Kim, Hyung-Tak Archery”, will provide guidance for coaches and archers alike who want to improve their performance as he is providing accurate and basic technology of learning and step by step coaching methods.

- JVD DistributionVan Schagenstraat 6-85154PG ElshoutThe Netherlands - Les Pays-BasTel: (0031) (0)416 377 112Fax: (0031) (0)416 378 141Email: -
- Lancaster Archery SupplyTradTech Archery2195-A Old Philadelphia PikeLancaster, PA 17602(800) 829-7408 x 210 Fax
- Archery Life90, Sukhwa-Li, Yangsung-Myun, Ansung City, KoreaTel. +82 11 9009 3594 Fax +82 31 674 7766 Email :
- Morten Holm-NielsenGimli-store, Denmarkwww.Gimli-store.dkCoach Kim Archery Training Center175 Goesanub Goesangun Chung Buk KoreaTel: 82-43-834-6060, Fax:82-834-7171 Mp: 82-10-4007-4263
- Dragon And archery company.

Source :

Friday, September 11, 2009

Atlı Okçuluk Avrupa Şampiyonası / European Championships of Horsearchery in Germany 2009

Resimler : turkisharchers
EOCHA 2009

Bu sene Almanya'da 5-6 Eylül'de yapılan EOCHA atlı okçuluk avrupamüsabakalarına katıldım, değerlendirmesi aşağıdadır (

İlk resimler burada:,daha da eklenecek.

60 kadar kişi katıldı, derece yok ama bol tecrübeyle geri döndüm.Aslında 6 kişi gidecektik, Sivas ekibi ile birlikte, bir türlü sponsorparası alamadığımızdan anca ben gidebildim, o da tüm mali kaynaklarımızorlayarak. Türkiye geleneksel spor dalları federasyonunun 'okçulukgeleneksel spor dallarımıza dahil değil' demesi bizi çıldırttı, diğersponsorlardan da olumsuz cevap geldi. Sonuçta arkadaşlarım olmadangideyim mi gitmeyeyim mi diye düşündüm ama Türk (atlı) okçuluğunudünyaya tanıtma hedefimizde küçük de olsa bizi bir adım ilerigötüreceğini düşündüm. Ayrıyetten bu müsabaka için uzun zamandırhazırlanıyordum.

03.09. Perşembe 8.25 uçağı ile İstanbul'dan Frankfurt'a gittim, sonrauzun tren yolculuğu ile Bamberg'e geldim, oradan organizatörler benialdı yine bir yarım saat araba seyahati ile 15.30 gibi müsabakayerindeydim. Gelen takımlarla tanıştım ve ufak tefek hazırlıklardayardım ettim. Akşama takımlar kendilerini sunumlarla tanıttılar. Atlıokçulukta başı çeken Kore'dir, daha birkaç hafta önce Kore'de yapılandünya atlı okçuluk festivali 83.000 $'a mal olmuş ve tüm bu parayıbirsürü sponsorlar üstlenmiş. En büyük destekçileri ve sponsorları(Güney) Kore devleti. Atlı okçuluğu kültürlerinin önemli bir parçasıve birçok Kore dövüş sanatları arasında görüyorlar. UNESCO ilegörüşüyorlar dünya çapında bunu daha farklı boyutlara çekmek için!Ayrıca Sokcho'daki atlı okçuluk tesislerini büyütüyorlar yeni yerlerinşa ediyorlar. Atlı okçu topluluğu olmayan Almanya'da 100'den fazlaaktif atlı okçu var. Müsabakalarda Macar ve Kore disiplinlerindenbıkmışlar ve kabak oyunu gibi yeni, seyircileri daha çok etkileyecekşeyler arayışındalar. Organizatörlerle EOCHA müsabakasında kabak oyunuhakkında baya konuştum. Örn. yarışmacılara iki gruba ayırıp direğeiçinde kuş bulunan kafes dikip yarıştırma fikri çok hoşlarınagitti.Tabi kafesin altı ok geçirmez olup bir mekanizma olabilir. Sonraben sunumumu yaptım bol resim ve kaynak gösterdim, Göktürk, Selçukluve Osmanlı ve bugün Türkiye'de atlı okçuluğumuzu anlattım. Atlıokçuluk disiplinleri, Osmanlı ve Selçuklu'da atlı okçu çeşitlerinianlattım. Bu arada bol bol Sivas cündilerinden ve hünerlerindenbahsettim ve resimler gösterdim. Sunum öyle beğenildi ki o ana kadarbana karşı biraz soğuk davranan Kore'liler tercüman ile sunumu çokbeğendiklerini defalarca dile getirdiler. Diğer ekiplerden de sonradanyanıma geldiler ve tebrik ettiler. Milletin ağzı açık kaldı, hiçbirmilletin bu kadar önemli bir atlı okçuluk tarihi yok. Böyle birgeçmişe göre başı çeken aslında Kore değil biz olmalıydık...

Cuma günü sabahtan pansiyonda kahvaltıda tesadüfen Kore ekibiylekarşılaştım, birdaha Türk atlı okçuluğuna ve gördükleri resimlerehayran kaldıklarını söylediler. Kore dövüş sanatı olan Tekvando'da 2dan'ımın olduğunu ve Avrupa'da birsürü ülkede dövüştüğümü söyleyincezati derin saygılarını uyandırdım ve son buzlarda eridi. Baya oturdukve konuştuk bir sürü soruları vardı, odadan Ünsal Yücel kitabımıgetirdim ve resimlerin üstünden geçtik. Bilhassa kabak oyununusevdiler ve bir resimde donup kaldılar; atın eğerine ip ile bir topbağlayıp arkaya topa ok atan süvari resmi. Bunun ikili varyasonunu'Mogu' olarak kendileri oynuyorlar çünkü. Kaynağında 'Murakka'yazıyordu ancak daha fazla bilgi, senesi ve Osmanlı mı yoksa Memlük müyazmıyordu. Bunu acaba araştırabilir miyiz?Kitabı benden satın almak istediler ben tabiiki onlara hediye ettim.Kitabı UNESCO ile görüşmelerinde kullanacaklarını söylediler.

Sonra müsabaka yerinde atları seçtik ve bir iki prova dörtnallarıyaptık, amaç güvenlik nedeniyle organizatörlerin herkesin dizginleribırakarak dörtnala gitmesinden emin olması. Bazı insanlar kendiatlarını getirmiş ama birçoğu da kiraladı, bir ata 3-4 binicidüşüyordu. İşte burada işin püf noktaları başlıyor; geçen sene iyiolan binicilere at seçiminde öncelik verdiler ve hızlı atlar öncedenkapıldı. Öğleden sonra bir yağmur indirdi ve tüm aktiviteleridurdurdu. Ben Fransız ekibiyle Kafe'de oturdum, sunumun birdahaüstünden geçmemi istediler. Fransızca olarak birdaha anlattım ve Türkokçuluğu hakkında da uzun uzun konuştuk. Bu arada anneannemin dediği'bir lisan bir insan' çok doğru çıktı; Türk (atlı) okçuluğumuzuFransızlara, Belçikalılara, İsviçrelilere Fransızca olarak anlattım,Almanlara, bazı Macar ve Polonyalılara Almanca anlattım, vediğerlerine İngilizce olarak tanıttım. Birçoğunun İngilizcesi kötüveya hiç yoktu, farklı dillerle onlara ulaşabilmemden dolayıavantajlıydım. Ayrıyetten müsabaka boyunca anonsları bile sadeceAlmanca yaptılar.

Akşama çadırda beraber yemek yendi hediyeler verildi ama öyle biryağmur yağdı ve fırtına koptu ki çadırı zor tuttuk. Hediyelerimiz deilgi çekti, gül suyundan Türk kahvesine, üstünde çevgan oynayancündili resimli kalem kutuları ve çok güzel işlemeli Alaaddin'insihirli lambası gibi eşyalardan lokuma kadar çeşit çeşit hediyelerdağıttım. Hediyelerin temininde yardımcı olduğunuz için çok teşekkürederim. Cumartesi günü resmi açılış oldu, tüm ekipler tarihi atlı okçukıyafetleriyle ve bayraklarıyla geçiş yaptılar, sonra birde dörtnaladalgalanan bayrakla teker teker geçiş yapıldı. İlk defa atlı okçulukmüsabakasında Türk bayrağı dalgalandı, duygulandım. İnsanlarbayrağımıza özel ilgi gösterdiler ve özel alkış ettiler.

Cumartesigünü Kore disiplinleri yapıldı ve ilk olarak 90 metrede tek atışyapıldı, herkes iki geçiş yaptı. Oku tirkeşten çekmek gerekiyordu. 90metrenin başında ve sonunda aletlerle zamanı ölçüyorlardı, 84cm x84cmhedeflere atış yapılıyor 5 bölge var, en yüksek puan getiren hedefinortasına olan küçük kavun büyüklüğünde olan kaplan resmiydi (5 puan).90 metreyi 12 saniyede geçmek gerekiyor, altında olursa saniyen kadarartı puan alıyorsun, üstünde olursan saniyen kadar eksi puan. Örn.hedefi vuruyorsun 3 puan alıyorsun ve 9,4 saniyede geçiyorsun,(12-9,4=2,6) yani 3+2,6=5,6 puan alıyorsun. Hızlı atlar müthişavantajda, en hızlı atları Korelilere verdiklerinden örn. 6,5 saniyedegeçiyor kaplanı vuruyor ve 5,5+5= 10,5 puan alıyor.

Sonra ikili atışlar yapıldı, bir öne doğru biri arkaya atış. Yinezamana puan veriliyor ve hızlı atlar avantajda . Bu iki disiplinde defena değildim 2 kaplan vurdum insanlar baya alkışladı ama atım enyavaş atlardandı, zaman bonusu çok az aldım.Sonra 150 metreye 5 hedef konuldu, 30 metre arayla. Burada 16saniyenin altında olmak gerekiyordu. Oku başlarken hazırgezleyebileceğimi bilmiyordum ilk geçişte. Hızlı atlılar şu stratejiyiizledi: mümkün olduğu kadar hızlı gidip sadece 1,3 ve 5inci hedefe okatıp (hatta bazen sadece üçüncü hedefe attılar) hedef puanından ziyadeiyi bir zaman bonusu kazanmaktı.

Bu müsabakadan sonra Mogu oynanacaktı ancak yine hava planıdeğiştirdi, felaket sağanak yağmur yağdı, atların üstünde yağmurdayarım saat kadar bekledik geçer de Mogu oynarız diye ama boşa. Buarada hava da buz gibiydi 10-12 derece civarı, nefeslerimiz buharolarak gözüküyordu. Sabah güneşe aldanarak ince giyinmiştim. Bir moğolekibi geleneksel kıyafetleri ve müzik aletleri ile güzel moğolparçaları çaldılar, genizden şarkılar söylediler, bayan şarkıcınınsesi en kaba erkek sesinden daha derindi.. Donuma kadar ıslakeşyalarla bunu titreye titreye seyrettim bi yarım saat kadarkaçırmamak için sonra hemen pansiyona gidip yarım saat sıcak bir duşaldım.

Pazar günü Macar disiplini vardı, 90 metreyi 16 saniyede geçeceksin ve90cm hedefe önden, yandan ve arkadan atış yapacaksın. Hedef ama 90metrenin tam ortasında yani ilk atarken 45 metre civarı oluyor. Öndenatışta puanlar 2,3,4 ortada 1,2,3, arkaya 3,4,5 puan. Bu disiplindeatabildiğin kadar ok atabilirdin ve okları elinde tutmak serbest. Yinezaman bonusu var ancak 16 saniyeyi geçersen ne olursa olsun 0 puanalıyorsun. Bu defa 2 geçiş değil herkes 6 geçiş yaptı. Hızlı atıolanlar yine aynı stratejiyi yaptı, örn. sadece ortadan attılar 2 puanalıp 6,5 saniyede geçip 9,5 puan da zaman bonusu aldılar toplam 11,5puan (hiç vuramazsan zaman bonusu da olmuyor). Bir de Macarstratejisinde atanlar vardı bunlar da 12 saniye civarı bilerek yavaşgidip 6 ok atabiliyorlardı, okları yay eline önceden özel bir şekilde yerleştiriyorlar.

Vakit olmadığından Moguyu en hızlı atlılar oynadı. Biri çok hızlıdörtnala gitti, 5metre ipi çekti ucunda 60 cm bir top, diğer iki atlıda blunt uçları ile topa biraz yaklaşıp vurmaya çalıştı.

Sonuçta dereceye giremedim, ama daha iyi puan alabilmek için birsürütecrübem oldu, bunları yaparız yapmayız o ayrı konu.Yarışmacıların kullandıkları küçük 'kolaylıklar'

1. At seçimi, en iyisi kendi atın, alıştığın at, hızlı at genelde dahaiyi. Zaman puanları kazanıyorsunuz. Ve at ne kadar hızlı koşarsa okadar az sallanır.

2. Gezler: bunların gezleri kirişi tutan yerden sonra iki tarafa doğru45 derecede açılıyor. Böylece gezlemek çok daha kolay oluyor. Ancak buşekilde bizim başparmak çekişi ile zor atılır, çünkü gezin ucu elebatar gibi geliyor bana, kore başparmak çekişi ile olur.

3. Arkalık kullanmıyorlar ok nereye gezlenirse öyle atıyorlar. Kirişe7-8 cm bir muşamba sarıp yapıştırmışlar, El için deri dekullanmıyorlar bi işaret parmaklarını bant ile sarıyorlar muşambasızyere denk geldiği için. Yaylar zati çok düşük libreli.

4. Okları hazır yay elinde tutuyorlar, Koreli arkadaşlar bile buMacar/Kassai stilini kullanıyorlar. Koreli'nin sırası gelmeden öncekonuştuk, doğru olmadığını söyledi, aslında o da okları kiriş elindetuttuğunu ama bu 'spor' için daha hızlı olduğundan yay elindenbeslediğini anlattı ve bana gösterdi. Ben yine de Türk okçuluğumuzutanıtmak açısından kiriş elimden besledim, 90 metrede en fazla 3 okatabildim. İyi de oldu, onlar için bu 'yeni' stil ilgi çekici, dahaşimdi katılımcılardan biriyle yazıştım, bu stili çok beğendiğini vedaha üstün olduğunu söyledi, ve hemende forumlarına yazmış. Birazgezlerlede oynayıp daha hızlı olmak lazım.. Avrupa şampiyonu MacarChristoph Nemethy yay elinde okları tutarak Kassai stili ile 12 saniyegibi bir zamanda 6 ok atıyor.

5. Aynı setup'ta antrenman; yarışmacıların çoğu hergün EOCHAstandartlarındaki mesafelere hedeflere yani aynı parkurda ve setup'taantrenman ediyor. Resim galerisinde hem Kore hem Macar disiplini içinstandartları göreceksiniz. Yani tüm atışlarda oku ne kadar havayadikeceklerini biliyorlar. Atın parkuru zamanında bitirmesi içinhızlarını biliyorlar. Bilhassa Macar stilinde çok farkediyor. 45metrede oku ne kadar havaya dikecesin ve hedefin ne kadar solunaatacaksın bunu aynı setup'da hergün antrenman etmek lazım. Bu aradaatlı atışlarda sola doğru atışta hızınıza bağlı ve atış açısına göreok sağa sapar. Bundan dolayı atın hızı, atış açısı ve mesafesi önemlifaktörler.

6. Yayların çekiş gücü genelde 28-40 libre arası, küçük parmakla bileçekilebiliyor, ben 60 libre kullandım sorun olmadı.

7. Eyer; ilk günü İngiliz eyeriyle bindim, ikinci günü macar eyeriyle.Macar eyeri müzedeki türk eyerlerine göre daha dar, neredeyse önden vearkadan bastırıyor. Oturarak çok zor biniliyor ama zaten ayakta durmakiçinmiş, ayakta bindim ben de, ve rahatlığı o zaman hissettim. Öndenve arkadan destek oluyor. Bir iki ok atmadan kabak atışı yapar gibiayağa kalkıp atın boynuna eğilip yayı havaya diktim dörtnalda ve bueyerin bu iş için çok uygun olduğunu farkettim, yalnız sert tahtayerleri biraz yumuşak birşeyle kaplasalarmış daha rahat olacakmış.

8. Başparmak atanlar zihgir kullanmıyor, 30 libre yayda gerekmiyor,zihgir kayması vs de olmuyor hiç uğraşmıyorlar.

Sonuçta Türk kültürünü, Türk (atlı) okçuluğunu tanıttık, millet bunuuzun zamandan beri bekliyormuş. Bazılarına daha detaylı anlattım,bazılarına daha genelden başlayıp Türklerin Arap olmadığını, Arapçadeğil Asya dili konuştuğunu ve Orta Asya'dan yani atlı okçuluğun doğuşyerinden geldiğini anlatmak zorunda kaldım. İtalyanların gönlünüaldım, Türk medyasındaki bir aralar İtalyan düşmanlığından kalan küçükbir yaraları varmış.Vs vs vs.
Hepsini İstanbul'a ve Sivas'a davet ettim.Kalabalık gidebilseydik çok güzel olacaktı..
Herkese sevgiler.

Gokmen Altinkulp

Monday, August 17, 2009

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Turkey’s world-class archers aim at medals in Summer Olympic Games

Turkey’s world-class archers aim at medals in Summer Olympic Games

Archery is one of the oldest sports in the world. You can see mythological figures such as Apollo or Eros carrying bows and arrows. If we must stay within the borders of Turkish history, we can see that the sport was practiced in early Turkish states, but the greatest importance was attached to it during Ottoman times.

Fatih Sultan Mehmet, the conqueror of İstanbul, concentrated archery activities and the production of bows and arrows in İstanbul's Okmeydanı (Square of Arrows) district. Subsequent sultans expanded the district by adding additional facilities. Later, a bazaar was opened behind Beyazıt Mosque in İstanbul where all the manufacturers of archery equipment gathered. Although the sport went into decline during the later periods of the Ottoman Empire and during the early years of the Turkish Republic, numerous attempts have been made to revive the tradition of Turkish archery.
Turkey became the 16th member of the International Archery Federation (FITA) in 1955. After the establishment of a national archery federation in 1961, Turkish archers began to represent the country at an international level. There was an interruption in the development of the sport in 1982, when the federation was attached to the Turkish Shooting and Hunting Federation. The Turkish Archery Federation was re-established in 1982, and Uğur Erdener became the head of the federation. Erdener would later manage archery throughout the world when he was elected president of FITA in 2005.

After being honored by Erdener's election as the new president of FITA, Turkish archery has turned its focus to earning medals in the upcoming 2012 Olympic Games in London. “We, as the Turkish Archery Federation, aim to be more successful. We are distinguished among other archery federations in that our former president is now the president of FITA. We are very proud of this. Now, we want to win medals at the Olympic games. Our best Olympic score was fourth place in the 2000 Sydney Olympics. We were very close to winning a medal, but we did not,” Turkish Archery Federation President Abdullah Topaloğlu, who has a 32-year history in the sports world in Turkey and has served in numerous posts of various federations, told Sunday's Zaman.

‘Archery is an expensive sport'

Even though archery has a significant place in Turkish history, there are not many archers in the country today -- there are around 7,000 registered archers in the federation -- because the sport is expensive, said Topaloğlu, noting that they are working to develop archery in the country. “We have around 270 trainers who were brought up in the federation's courses. But we cannot use them efficiently. Only 70 or 80 of them are actively working,” he said. Apart from financial obstacles, Turkey also suffers from a lack of archery facilities. Because the sport has few practitioners, those who do practice archery do not have many facilities to choose from. “We have a facility in Antalya, and archers can practice there for the entire day. We plan to establish such facilities in Ankara and İzmir, too. We work in cooperation with the metropolitan municipalities of some provinces where there is the potential for practicing archery. Other federations cooperate with the Education Ministry, but we cannot spread the sport to all schools since TL 1,000 to 1,500 is needed for each student of archery. For such reasons, we approach the development and expansion of the sport regionally in Turkey,” Topaloğlu elaborated.

The federation's president further said the interest of Turkish people in archery is gradually rising due to the international archery competitions held in Turkey, especially after the TV broadcasts of the World Archery Cup, which took place earlier this month in the southern province of Antalya. “We received a lot of calls asking for information about the courses offered by the federation. We are trying to meet the demand. Also, around 350 children applied to the Juniors Cup -- which started yesterday and ends today. We are witnessing such a large number of applications for an archery competition for the first time. It is promising. They are the future archers,” Topaloğlu said.

Turkish archer survives after arrow enters his head

An interesting incident occurred in Turkey in 2004. Archery enthusiast Hakan Budak accidently shot his friend, Cem Balcı, in the head while they were practicing the sport as a hobby. Balcı underwent an operation and was unconscious for 11 days, but he survived. Stating that he was at fault for the accident, Balcı told the Anatolia news agency: “Such an accident has occurred three times in the world so far. If I had obeyed the rules, the arrow would not have struck my head.” He also stressed that the sport is safe and that no one should be afraid to practice it.

Topaloğlu agrees with Balcı about the safety of the sport. “Those who open an archery facility must have a trainer's certificate, and safety precautions must be taken in the field. Such an accident had never happened before in Turkey. It is not about the nature of the sport, which is normally harmless. The accident occurred solely due to a personal mistake,” he explained.

21 June 2009, Sunday - ESRA MADEN - İSTANBUL

- Source :

Friday, June 12, 2009

Compound Bows - 43 Years in the Making

- Resim : Rıdvan UZUNTAŞ

Compound Bows - 43 Years in the MakingResim Ekle
June 9th, 2009 ·
by Bart Icles

A compound bow is a bow of the modern age that uses a levering system usually consisting of cables and pulleys to bend the limbs. The limbs of a compound bow are much stiffer than that of the recurve bow or long bow. This quality or state of stiffness makes the compound bow much more energy efficient than other conventional bows; such as design have limbs that are too stiff to be drawn, hence, has the strings attached to a pulley system or also known as cams, of which one or both have one or more cables attached to the other end. This levering system enables the archer to hold the bow fully drawn and take more time to aim.

The compound bow is much more superior compared to other bows because it isn’t affected by temperature and humidity changes and its more accurate, faster, and has longer range. The first compound bow was developed in 1966 by Holless Wilbur Allen in Missouri and given a US patent in 1969.

The compound bows’ riser is usually made of aluminum or magnesium of the aircraft-grade 6061 aluminum alloy. It is the central mount for other components such as the limbs, sight, stabilizers, and quivers. Limbs are made out of composite materials and are able to withstand high tensile and compressive forces. All the energy is stored on the limbs, and not on the cables and pulleys. The cam or wheel is usually at the end of each limb. Its shape varies between different bow designs, and fall under four most commonly used types: Single Cam, Hybrid Cam, DualCam, and Binary Cam. The less common designs are the Quad Cam and Hinged.

Compound bow strings and cables are made of high-modulus polyethylene that have great tensile strength, minimal stretchability to make the bow transfer its energy to the arrow in a more efficient and durable way. Earlier models used cables made out of plastic coated steel. The pulley system has some rubber-covered blocks that act as draw-stops that can be adjusted to suit the archer’s optimum draw-length. This provides a consistent anchor point and consistent amount of drawn force to make consistent and accurate shots.

Cams or pulleys have two designs that have direct control of the arrow’s acceleration. The “soft cam” will accelerate the arrow more gently compared to the “hard cam”. Soft cams are best suited for novice archers, whereas the advanced archers may use the hard cam type for speed. Bows can have the integration of both cams for more flexible shots. Other modifications in the compound bow are the use of mechanical release aids, magnifying sights, stabilizers, and dampers to allow the archer to shoot more accurately.

About the Author:
Pick A Spot Archery carries a full line of
Diamond Bows. They also carry a huge selection of other archery hunting products including archery sights. For more information about Basin Archery Shop visit us today!
Hunting & Fishing

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Monday, March 2, 2009

Waco To Host Archery In The Schools Tournament Feb. 27

AUSTIN, Texas - The 4th Annual Texas-National Archery in the Schools Program (TASP) Tournament will take place Feb. 27 at the Waco Convention Center. Rising attendance at this yearly culminating event for participating Texas schools charts the program’s increasing popularity.

The first TASP tournament in Texas took place in February 2006, with 126 students representing 13 schools. The third annual championship last March drew 476 students, and attendance at this year’s tournament is expected to approach 700 students, teachers and parents.

Changing lives one arrow at a time

Since the National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP) came to Texas in September of 2004, organizers have trained more than 900 archery instructors at all three levels—Instructor, Trainer, and Specialist—including more than 400 classroom educators at 200 plus schools across Texas.

Since the national program’s inception in Kentucky seven years ago, it is now established in 46 states and four other countries. On May 8-9, 2009 the 8th annual national tournament will be held in Louisville, Kentucky. The 2008 NASP national tournament was the largest archery event in the history of North America, with 2,865 participants.Last school-year across the nation, 866,000 school children in grades 4-12 received archery instruction from their teachers and an estimated 1 million will participate this year. This makes NASP the most successful youth archery program in history. The program expects to be operating in every U.S. state by the end of 2009.

NASP lessons are taught by physical education teachers with a focus on international-style target archery. The program teaches a lifetime skill in a controlled, safe environment. Universal fit NASP equipment is useable by all 4th – 12th grade children and teachers, and is durable, affordable and identical in appearance and function. In order to meet and enhance student learning and accountability standards, many schools integrate archery into core content areas such as math, science, and history.

NASP is intended for all students regardless of athletic ability or experience. Accommodations are routinely made for physically challenged students.

“Although we just began the NASP this year, it has had a tremendous impact on our school district,” said Brian Gray, school superintendent with Union Grove ISD based in Gladewater in northeast Texas. “The participation levels are through the roof and the program is allowing our staff to teach kids about how to be successful in life, while promoting a lifelong activity.”

- Source Title :

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Olympics Champions Tied the Knot

Olympics Champions Tied the Knot
Lausanne – 2 February 2009

Korean archers PARK Sung-Hyun, 25-year old, and PARK Kyung-Mo, 33, united Olympic destiny. They were blessed in the presence of many guests on 6 December 2008.

PARK Sung-Hyun won two gold medals (individual and team) at the 2004 Athens Games. She repeated as an Olympic champion in the women's team final in Beijing last year, leading her country to a sixth straight Olympic title. She also won individual silver in Beijing.

PARK Kyung-Mo, who also won team gold in 2004, had similar success as her fiancée four years later. In Beijing, he helped the men's team clinch the Olympic title for the third straight time and won the individual silver medal.

The newly-weds started dating two years ago while preparing for the Olympics but kept their relationship secret to avoid affecting the national team. The two are the first gold medallists in the country's history to marry each other.

We wish PARK Sung-Hyun and PARK Kyung-Mo a wonderful and happy life together!

FITA Communication